It has been all in the news, stats have risen, schools and stores are closing and everybody knows about this virus. I am going to tell you my life with the threatening fear that the coronavirus is creeping up on me. We all know the facts, but how are people living with this health crisis.
Good Morning, Monday morning blues are taking over me. I go to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I wake up and get ready for school. My backpack and I am ready for school. I make myself breakfast. I am wondering why mom is taking her time to drive me to school. So, I ask her to make it quick. She gives me a weird glare and then laughs. I ask her why she is laughing. She replies that today there was no school. I was about to ask her why, but then I remembered that school is closed due to the pandemic caused by a coronavirus. Well, my online school begins today. I am excited I can still get to meet my teachers and friends. Good news is all my assignments and lessons are all online and I still get to socialize with my friends, but it still isn’t the same as really being at school.
Its noon I am almost done with my online schoolwork. My brother bursts into my room saying that he’s done too. I reply to his cheerful cries with appreciation. A couple of minutes later I was finished with my schoolwork too. Suddenly my dad called out time for lunch. This is one thing that I liked about this lockdown. We finally get to be together as a family. Without this lockdown, I and my brother would be at school and my parents would be at work. After lunch, I had a video conference with friends and teachers. Like I said before it still isn’t the same as school. After I was done with the video call, I started playing with my brother a game of checkers. Well, I won the game but I need to lie to my brother that he won. Just to prevent any sibling act upon a game of checkers.
At twilight, I was practising my violin. I loved taking music lessons from my violin teacher, but now my music lessons are cancelled due to the coronavirus. My mom called us for dinner. After dinner, we got an hour of TV time. After we finished our television time, we headed towards the bed. In bed, I thought about all the things I could have done if coronavirus went away, but until this crisis ends, I think it is best if we listen to what our global leaders and doctors and stay safe.
These are some good things to do to stay safe:
Clean your hands often
Avoid close contact
Stay home if you’re sick
Cover coughs and sneezes
Wear a facemask if you are sick
Clean and disinfect
It is best to stay at home and listen to our global leaders. We should stay at home until this pandemic ends or settles down. It is important that we do whatever we can to lower the risk of catching it and lower the risk of spreading it. So, stay safe, healthy and clean.
You are an amazing blogger. You really put your heart into what you write.
i love it
i love your blog
Really good
Very good. I might make one as well.. You are an amazing blogger!